About Me

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Portel, Para, Brazil
After over 40 years as a Christian, God called me to serve in Brazil as a missionary...a dream I had for 10 years, since my first visit to the Amazon. I am single again, and I have 2 wonderful children (and a terrific daughter-in-law), 9 grandchildren, and 2 great-granddaughters.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Birthday Wishes

It's my birthday! I'm sitting at my desk in Portel, looking across the park at a huge banner about celebrating Jesus! How blessed can I be? Jesus is the reason I breathe, and my town will be honoring Him next weekend with music, worship, and praise.

I was born in 1945, halfway between V-E Day and V-J Day, at the end of World War II. Did you know that World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history? Between 50 million and 85 million people died in that war, including 11 million in the Holocaust. The USA became a super-power in the world, and the United Nations was formed. Did we learn anything?

I grew up in an innocent, patriotic time. Not everyone had a car (I remember our first one), not everyone had a TV (another first I remember). We knew our neighbors, and played hide-and-seek, Red Rover, and hopscotch with the neighborhood kids.

I remember learning about the first computer (ENIAC), which took up 1800 square feet! Who could have imagined that today I would be able to hold one in my hand?! We've come a long way, baby! I am ever so grateful for technology that allows me to see and talk with my family a continent away. But at the same time, it grieves me to watch people react with hatred towards each other, and the media play on our emotions. With all this instant awareness of everything that happens in the world, you'd think we could see the futility and damage of hate.

I don't have any answers for the world's turmoil, but I know the One who does!

"Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3: 1-2 NLT

There is another reality, the very real existence of the triune God...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And one day, Christ promises to come back for us, and rule with us, in the new heaven and the new earth. Then we shall know and experience true love in all its fullness. This reality I trust!